Hulu is a frequently utilized streaming service on the market, matching other big names like Disney+, Netflix, and HBO Max. Hulu + Live TV is an additional add-on to Hulu that allows users to stream their favorite sports and shows. Channels available include ABC, TLC, ESPN, HGTV, and many more.
Hulu's viewership is vast, giving the advertising platform near infinite options to reach potential customers.
With streaming TV viewership growing at a rapid rate, it's time to rethink your TV advertising with Connected TV.
Our platform utilizes advanced targeting to search the top streaming apps and channels and find where your potential customers are already watching. Then, we advertise on Hulu and other top apps and serve them non-skippable commercials.
With a multitude of options like Pluto TV, Tubi, Samsung TV Plus, and more, you're sure to reach your audience on Connected TV.
Advertise on Hulu and hundreds of other apps and channels that reach your target audience. With Connected TV advertising from Awarity, TV advertising has never been easier and more effective.